Monday, May 21, 2012

Bucket Garden

This isn't a recipe, however; my hope is to use these vegetables to make fresh meals and side dishes for my family. 

Take the small amount of time it takes (2 hours for everything below) to be able to feed your family delicious and healthy vegetables and you get to decide what kind of bug sprays, fertilizers, etc. (if any) you are putting into your body.

Bucket Garden

5 gallon bucket
Small sponge

Cut out a small circle in the bottom of your bucket.  Just big enough to be able to squeeze your plant leaves through. 
Take your sponge and put a small hole in the center of it.  On the vertical side, cut a slit to open up the sponge (from the side of the sponge to the center of the hole).  The sponge needs to be big enough to cover the hole in your bucket because this is what will be keeping the dirt in the bucket.
Take the plant and place sponge around the bottom near the roots.
Next, put the plant in the bucket and gently guide the plant stem and leaves in the hole.  Make sure you pull the plant to the outside of the bucket leaving the sponge and roots on the inside of the bucket.  Make sure the plant is centered in the hole.
Finally, fill the bucket 2/3 way full with dirt.

Hang on hooks (in sunlight) off the deck or stairs.
Make sure you water at least once daily.  Depending on the temperature, you may need to water twice.  Remember that the dirt will dry out quicker above ground than if it were underground.

Things I planted in my buckets:
Green bell peppers, Roma tomato plant. Cherry tomato plant, cucumbers (Put the cucumbers near the ground where they will be able to crawl across the ground and won’t become too heavy and break off).

Also, in the above picture you will notice that there are 2 tubs on the ground.  These are simply storage containers that are about 4 ft. by 2 ft. with the bottoms cut out.  Then I dug up the grass and loosened up the dirt under the grass and set the tubs on top.  Then we filled the tubs with store bought soil and planted our zucchini plants (1 plant in each tub).

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